Tag Archives: Social Justice

Educating Young People in Justice and Peace

In his annual message for the World day of Peace, Pope Benedict XVI has expressed his conviction that the young, with their enthusiasm and idealism, can offer new hope to the world, and highlighted the importance of educating the young for justice and peace. Benedict notes the responsibility of learners to be open to being […]

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Holy See Calls for Reform of Global Finance

Cardinal Peter Turkson President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace and Bishop Mario Toso, Secretary to the Council together with Leonardo Becchetti, professor of political economy at the Roman University of “Tor Vergata” recently spoke at the presentation of a Vatican statement on the current global financial crisis entitled  “Towards reforming the international […]

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Join ERI in Calling on World Leaders to End Tax Haven Secrecy

While over 100 million children never get the opportunity to go to school, developing countries lose more money through tax dodging than they receive in aid. Edmund Rice International has joined a group of like-minded organisations in campaigning to demand tax justice at the G20 summit in France in November 2011. You can add your […]

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Stand-Up Against Poverty

World Leaders will gather at the United Nations in New York for the Millennium Development Goals Review Summit in Sept. The Millenium Development Goals provide a unique opportunity to end global poverty and inequality by 2015 with the setting of achievable, time-bound and locally defined targets. On 17 June the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) […]

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Haiti Six Months On

Haiti Six Months On

This is a letter sent to the Governor General of Canada. It is inspired by Louise, a Canadian physiotherapist, who spent her holidays working with the people of Haiti. We await the response of Her Excellency Mme. Michaelle Jean, who was born in Haiti and emigrated to Canada. Your Excellency, The devastating earthquake which caused […]

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FAME – Social Justice for Marginalised Youth

The FAME (Flexible Accredited Meaningful Education) program is dedicated to providing enriching experiences for disadvantaged young people. It is a Christian Brother supported initiative in the Australian city of Adelaide, which operates in partnership with a range of community, educational and service organizations. Students are referred to FAME due to their disengagement from mainstream schooling; […]

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A River and a Town – New Orleans, April 28 – May 1, 2009

At the bottom of the United States, New Orleans is perched uneasily on the coils of the Mississippi, in its final meandering into the Gulf of Mexico. The relationship between the river and the town dominated our week there. The Christian Brothers went to New Orleans because, they say, “That’s where Edmund Rice would be […]

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Donna Mulhearn

Peace Activist, Donna Mulhearn

Peace activist and former Iraq human shield, Donna Mulhearn, is to take up a role as Regional Coordinator of the Edmund Rice Network in NSW and the ACT. In announcing the appointment, the Province’s Director of Networking, Communication and Development, Br Steve McLaughlin said in a statement that Donna Mulhearn’s social activism would sit comfortably […]

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Margaret Rizza, Composer

Chant, Prayer and Justice

Sometimes we wonder about the connection between prayer and doing the work of justice. Scrabbling around on the Internet this morning searching for a prayer resource I came across a reference to Margaret Rizza, the composer of chant and sacred music. Margaret has been involved for many years with spirituality and with different groups seeking […]

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Slumdog Millionaire: An Alternative View from an Indian Perspective

A friend sent me an email citing what follows. It is excerpted from an Indian website and offers an Indian perspective on Slumdog Millionaire. Not everyone, it appears, is cheering in the aisles. (more…)

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