Educating Young People in Justice and Peace
In his annual message for the World day of Peace, Pope Benedict XVI has expressed his conviction that the young, with their enthusiasm and idealism, can offer new hope to the world, and highlighted the importance of educating the young for justice and peace.
Benedict notes the responsibility of learners to be open to being led, and of educators to be authentic witnesses to what they teach, and speaks of every educational setting being “a place of openness to the transcendent and to others; a place of dialogue, cohesiveness and attentive listening, where young people feel appreciated for their personal abilities and inner riches, and can learn to esteem their brothers and sisters.”
Peace is a task to be undertaken, said the Pope, one that requires education in “compassion, solidarity, working together, fraternity, in being active within the community and concerned to raise awareness about national and international issues and the importance of seeking adequate mechanisms for the redistribution of wealth, the promotion of growth, cooperation for development and conflict resolution”
“Peace for all is the fruit of justice for all, and no one can shirk this essential task of promoting justice, according to one’s particular areas of competence and responsibility” he added.
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