Oral Statement UPR of Uruguay

ERI Statement – Adoption of the UPR report of Uruguay – June 2019


Mr President

Since 2008 school attendance in Uruguay is mandatory from 4 years of age to the final year of upper secondary education.

As a result educational enrolment levels in Uruguay have reached significant levels, including for the most vulnerable groups within the population. Nevertheless, the rate of graduation for 18 to 20 year-olds is only 29%, while the rate at the time of the previous UPR in 2014 was 28.1%. This wide gap between enrolment and graduation rates shows that youngsters who appear as formally registered in the schooling system on a yearly basis do not complete their secondary education.

Furthermore, graduation rates are even lower among the most vulnerable groups. Within the lowest socioeconomic strata, the percentage of graduates between 18 and 20 years of age is 11.5%. This percentage was 11% at the time of the UPR in 2014.

Many of the measures that the Uruguayan State has adopted in regard to education and that were mentioned in the mid-term report since the previous UPR, have failed to change this situation.  In particular, one measure that sought to address this problem, “Aulas Comunitarias”, was cancelled last year.

During the UPR of 2014 several States made recommendations to Uruguay in relation to education. Although these recommendations were accepted, no substantive changes have been made in the educational system.

We therefore request the Uruguayan State implement specific public policies in order to ensure that children complete the educational cycle, and prevent early school dropout. We further recommend that the Uruguayan State increase the education budget to ensure the educational participation of low-income children and adolescents, and to resume all programmes which have the aim of guaranteeing educational continuity for children and adolescents.

Thank You Mr President