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ERI Active in 56th Human Rights Council Session

ERI was again active during the 56th session of the UN Human Rights Council (June 18-July 12). A number of oral statements were delivered and several statements of ERI’s partners were co-sponsored. Several statements were made during the Interactive Dialogue (discussion) with the UN Special Rapporteur on Migrants. (click on the highlighted text to view […]

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ERI Participation in 55th UN Human Rights Council Session

ERI delivered several statements during the recent session of the UN Human Rights Council.The statements made include:- – a joint statement with PRATYeK highlighting the issue of housing in India. The statement was part of the agenda in response to the report of the Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing – a statement on the human rights situation in Myanmar delivered […]

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CRC Review of South Africa: Concluding Observations Released

During its 96th Session, the Committee on the Rights of the Child reviewed South Africa. As part of this process, Edmund Rice International and the Student Edmund Rice Volunteers (“SERV”) from Christian Brothers’ College, St John’s in Cape Town, had the opportunity to submit a report to the Committee highlighting issues experienced by children in […]

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Review of Human Rights in Nigeria

All of the issues raised in ERI’s joint submission (drafted in partnership with Vivat International, the Daughters of Charity and the Dominicans for Justice and Peace) were the subject of recommendations put forward at the recent UPR Review of Nigeria. The issue of Human Trafficking was especially prominent, where Nigeria was urged to do more to implement […]

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ERI Active in 54th Session of UN Human Rights Council

ERI delivered or co-sponsored ten statements during the 54th session of the UN Human Rights Council.The statements included:-– a statement on homelessness in India read by Sr Dorothy Fernandes during the discussion of the report of the Special Rapporteur on Slavery.– a statement on gender-based violence in South Africa read by Paballo Mbedzi during the […]

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ERI Active During 53rd session of UN Human Rights Council

ERI delivered a number of statements and co-sponsored several others during the recently concluded 53rd session of the Human Rights Council. Two statements were delivered in response to the report of the Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights, the first by Fabian Adindu, from ERI partner VIVAT international, and the second by Taydren […]

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ERI Activity in 50th Session of UN Human Rights Council

ERI delivered six statements during the 50th Session of the UN Human Rights Council. Five of the statements were read by participants in the recent ERI training course in Geneva and were in response to the report delivered to the Council by a UN Special Rapporteurs. The statements included:-– a statement in response to the […]

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ERI Activity in 49th Session of UN Human Rights Council

The ongoing crisis in the Ukraine caused a re-scheduling of the agenda of the 49th Human Rights Council Session. As a result, at the time of circulating this newsletter, this has meant that an additional number of ERI planned statements have yet to be delivered. It is expected they will be made in the coming […]

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ERI Activity During 48th UN Human Rights Council Session

ERI was again active during the recently concluded Human Rights Council session. Statements were delivered by members of our local networks, partners or members of the ERI team on:– access to clean water and sanitation in India as part of the interactive dialogue with the UN Special Rapporteur on Water and Sanitation. (statement delivered by […]

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ERI Active During 46th UN Human Rights Council Session

ERI delivered a number of statements during the 46th Human Rights Council session in Geneva. With proceedings taking place virtually, NGOs were asked to raise their concerns via recorded video statements. This provided an opportunity for members of our network to address the Council directly. ERI’s interventions, often joint statements with our partners, included statements […]

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