Joint Oral Statement at 37th Session of the UN Human Rights Council
Item 6 – UPR outcomes: ARGENTINA
15 March 2018
Edmund Rice International & VIVAT International Statement
Mr. President,
Edmund Rice International values Argentina’s commitment to the appointment of an Ombudsman for Children and Adolescents. We recommend that this appointment be made as soon as possible.
In 2005, Law 26.061 was passed, which on paper guarantees very high standards for the protection of children. However, this is not reflected in reality. Between 2010 and 2015, 29% of all recorded cases of domestic violence were related to children. Many of the measures provided by the law have not been implemented for various political, budgetary and operational reasons. Some of the policies, such as ‘Local services for the promotion and protection of rights’ are still not in operation, and in many cases the necessary resources are not available.
As a result, these vital services, which are the responsibility of the State are often carried out by civil, social and religious organizations. We believe that these obligations cannot be delegated by the State. Edmund Rice International recommends that the State, working with civil society, provides an integrated approach to child victims in matters of physical and psychological health and commit resources towards their rehabilitation.
Edmund Rice International recommends that the State develop and implement an effective complaint process which guarantees victims a more sensitive and efficient means of reporting abuse. The State should also monitor court rulings aimed at guaranteeing the protection of children.
Edmund Rice International recommends that the National, Provincial and Municipal jurisdictions approve the relevant budgetary measures which will help to ensure that victims are not violated again within the same system which is designed to protect them.
Thank you, Mr. President.