Putting an End to Modern Slavery
The International Labour Organization (ILO) is a United Nations agency dealing specifically with labour issues, standards, social protection, and work justice for all. In 2014, the International Labour Conference adopted a new protocol that confirmed the obligations under Convention No. 29, a convention adopted in 1930 to prohibit the use of forced labour. The ILO has estimated that the profits of forced labour amounts to US $150 billion each year. The new protocol aims to suppress forced labour through measures of protection, prevention, and compensation. It is considered a landmark treaty to protect human rights. A year later in 2015, the ILO started the 50 for Freedom campaign to combat modern slavery. A campaign designed to mobilize public support to end forced labour by encouraging at least 50 countries to sign and ratify the ILO’s Forced Labour Protocol by 2018.
The products you buy in your country could very well be the product of forced labour and worker exploitation. Behind the Bar Code encompasses a series of industry reports to empower consumers to purchase ethically and ensure workers rights. With these reports, both fashion and electronics brands operating in Australia and around the world are assessed and graded. Once provided to the public, you have the power to use your voice as “a catalyst for change” and encourage your favorite brands to ensure fair working conditions and compensation.
Modern Slavery comes in a variety of different forms. It is estimated that 21 million people are trapped in one form or another in our world today. To learn more about the various types of modern slavery and what action you can take click here.
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