Blessed Unrest

A colleague sent me a link to a very provocative website. It is called Blessed Unrest, a website that delivers a hard-hitting message about how destructive we humans have been on this planet. It is an indictment of all that the mercenary and rapacious twentieth-century has left us as a legacy. One of the interesting features of the Blessed Unrest movement is the insight that environmental issues and social justice/equity issues are inevitably and inexorably linked. Which, of course, fits wonderfully well with the integrated vision to which ERI is committed.

Cover of Blessed Unrest by Paul Hawkin
Blessed Unrest adopts a strong advocacy focus. It is particularly committed to the promotion of another way of seeing our current global realities. In that sense it espouses the view of the anti-globalisation movement that ‘another world is possible’. Which is another way of saying that God’s dream is possible.

A movie called Blessed Unrest is expected to be released in 2009.

Paul Hawken is the author of the book, Blessed Unrest. You can hear and see him speak in the YouTube video below.

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