Resource Library
a. Principles of Advocacy
- FIDH (Fédération Internationale des Droits Humains = International Federation of Human Rights)
- Huridocs – Human Rights Documentation Standards and Training
b. Christian Principles of Advocacy
- CABSA (Christian AIDS Bureau of Southern Africa) 2009 CABSA and Advocacy: an introduction
- United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Faithful Citizenship: a call to political responsibility from the Catholic Bishops of the United States
c. History of Advocacy
- Carter, April; Clark, Howard; Randle Michael (eds) 2006 People Power and Protest since 1945: a bibliography on nonviolent action. Housmans Bookshop, London.
- Alvarado, A.R. (2000). State level policy: growing role for nonprofit associations. Nonprofit Quarterly 7, 22-25.
- Boisture, R. & Sellers, E. (1998). Power, politics, and nonprofits: a primer on tax-exempt organizations, campaign finance, and the law. Washington, DC: Independent Sector.
- Boris, E.T. & Mosher-Williams, R. (1998) Nonprofit advocacy organizations: assessing the definitions, classifications, and data. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 27 (4), 488-5
d.Techniques of Advocacy
- WHO (World Health Organisation) –
- Faucheux, R. (1999). Hitting the bull’s eye (winning elections by targeting voters). Campaigns and Elections 20 (6), 20-25.
- Geake, R.R. (1995). Practical tips for getting involved in politics. Professional Psychology 26(5), 463-464.
- Haynes, K.S. & Mickelson, J.S. (2000). Affecting change (4th ed.). Needham: Allen & Bacon.
- McNutt, J.G. & Boland, K.M. (2001). You can’t get there from here: a study of the adoption of electronic advocacy techniques. Presentation at the 30th Annual Meeting of the Association of Voluntary Action Scholars, November 29 – December 2, Miami, Fl
e. Case Studies Advocacy
Business and Human Rights
- Transparency International – The global coalition against corruption
Electronic Advocacy
Freedom of Expression
Gender Equality
- BRIDGE – Development & Gender Equality
Right to Work
- Global alliance Against trafficking in Women
- Christian Organisations Against Trafficking in Human Beings
World Trade
- EED Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst
f. Research into Advocacy
- Belton, K.B. (2001). Assessing your advocacy efforts. Association Management 53, 49-52.
- Caldeira, G., Hojnacki, M. & Wright, J.R.. (2000). The lobbying activities of organized interests in federal judicial nominations. The Journal of Politics 62 (1), 51.
- Ezell, M. (1994). Advocacy practice of social workers. Families in Society 75 (1), 36- 46.
- Ezell, M. (1991). Administrators as advocates. Administration in Social Work 15 (4), 1-18.
- Ezell, M. (1993). The political activity of social workers: a post-Reagan update. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare 20 (4), 81-97.
- Kalb, D. (1998). Knowledge, perceptions and organizational behavior pertaining to regulations regarding lobbying by nonprofit organizations. San Francisco, CA: University of San Francisco.
a. Working with UN Mechanisms
b.UPR (Universal Periodic Review) Process
e. Complaints to UN Bodies
- How to Make a Complaint to the UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies Online – A free confidential online service for victims of human rights violations
(It is hoped this section will feature advocacy research undertaken by Edmund Rice Network members.)
Bogotch, Ira; Schoorman, Dilys; Miron, Luis 2008 Social Justice Research: Matters Obligation, Resources, and, yes, Methods: a short essay in defense of rhetorical research
a. Rights of the Child
- Imig, D. (1996). Advocacy by proxy: the children’s lobby in American politics. Journal on Children and Poverty 2, 31-53.
b. Right to Education
- UNESCO 2006 Right to Education: comparative analysis – UNESCO Convention against Discrimination in Education and Articles 13 and 14 (Right to Education) of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. UNESCO, Paris.
Human Rights Education
- Equitas – International Centre for Human Rights Education
- Huridocs – Human Rights Documentation Standards and Training
- UNESCO 2000 All human beings …: a manual for human rights education. UNESCO, Paris
c. Earth Advocacy
- Earth Charter Commission, The 2000The Earth Charter
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