Oral Statement at 37th Session of the UN Human Rights Council
Item 6 – UPR outcomes: PERU
15 March 2018
Edmund Rice International Statement
Mr President,
Peru has laws and regulations that prohibit the use of physical and humiliating punishment on children and adolescents. However, the Peruvian Government has inadequate capacity to carry out an effective enforcement of the law due to lack of information and lack of resources. Institutions also lack the necessary expertise and skills, to ensure fulfilment of the law on the protection of the rights of children against any type of violence.
Studies carried out by the State in collaboration with UNICEF indicate that around 70% of children suffered some form of domestic violence. Children’s Services for the protection and promotion of children’s rights are provided through offices called DEMUNAs. A study completed by the Ombudsman’s Office about the role of DEMUNAs indicates that working conditions are far from adequate to support children who are victims of domestic violence. Additionally, 33% of DEMUNA’s personnel have not received any training for their work. In the district of San Juan de Lurigancho, Lima, with a current population of over one million, there is only one DEMUNA office which appears to do mainly administrative work. A survey also conducted in this district found that more than 90% of people indicated that domestic violence was widespread in families. In many cases, domestic violence is culturally accepted because it is considered a part of the upbringing of children. This prevalent issue of domestic violence experienced by children is worrisome.
Edmund Rice International values the legislation passed by the State prohibiting the use of physical and humiliating punishment against children and adolescents and recommends that the State
1. Guarantees the effective enforcement of Law No. 30,403 by encouraging the application of multi-sector policies across all state agencies.
2. Strengthens the network of DEMUNAs (Municipal Defenders of Children and Adolescents) by setting up the necessary structures for facilitating a complaints procedure as stipulated by law.
Thank you.