Young people representing over 30 countries held their 7th International Summit at the United Nations in Geneva. ERI had the privilege of participating with these dynamic young minds. Professional inputs were provided by a series of individuals whose job was to motivate the youth to discussion of relevant Human Rights topics. This was very well done indeed. However, once again, the young people stole the show. Their ability to stand-up and present reports of the work they had achieved throughout the year was riveting. Their conviction to Human Rights issues was contagious.
Every time I experience young people at the United Nations I become more convinced that it might be time for the seasoned professional diplomats to step aside and listen. These young ones have the conviction, dynamism and passion that deserve a respectful hearing in the hallowed halls of the U.N.
Their proposal that a bill should be considered making the study of Human Rights in all schools compulsory created a great deal of discussion. The delegation from India felt that doing Mathematics every day, 5 times a week, 20 times a month was an interesting use of time and curriculum. However they couldn’t understand the opposition to their proposal of studying Human Rights issues 1 period per month. This would allowed human beings insights in how they might better get along with each other.
The web site for Youth for Human Rights deserves a visit. Educators and young people who are enthused about Human Rights will be pleased to note that there are packages available from the organization. They are completely free of charge. The History of Human Rights and the presentation of the 30 Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are 2 c.d.’s in the package that are worth their weight in gold. Their site is: www.youthforhumanrights.org