Students from Parade College in Melbourne recently stood in solidarity with the poor and powerless people of the world by supporting the STAND UP Campaign.
By physically standing up, the students were throwing aside the real killer of people, complacency.
Hundreds of students at Parade College Campuses, based in Bundoora and in Preston, made a personal commitment, in the form of a signed ‘pledge card’ to take action on behalf of the people of the world whose lives and opportunities are so grievously curtailed.
The campaign reinforced the fact that ordinary individuals can make a difference in the world. When we unite with like minded people, our power is magnified.
By standing up, making a noise and prompting the politicians to take more urgent action in the five years that remain to achieve the eight Millennium Goals, the goal of eradicating world poverty comes closer.
The world does have enough money, it does have enough resources, it does have enough technology to eradicate world poverty; all it lacks is the political will.
As Edmund Burke famously said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
The good men at Parade are men of action and they will continue to work towards the world as they imagine it may become, not satisfied with the way it is at the moment.
Thanks to Parade College staff member Shelagh Leary for providing the information for this article